Service Designer

Full Time


Why are we looking for a Service Designer?

Our goal is to make service design an even more central part of the development of our digital services and thus of our business. We are looking for a service designer who can bring a customer perspective to the design of our services and demonstrate the business benefits of service design.

What kind of task?

You will be shaping our digital services for our personal customers. You help businesses formulate new service and product concepts and validate that they match our hypotheses. In addition, you are involved in developing our existing services to better meet the needs of us and our customers.

The role is diverse. One day, you can facilitate the vision work of the health partnership, and the next you can identify and solve the biggest pain points in an individual customer path together with the Tribal Product Designer and the rest of the team.

You help us develop services in a customer-oriented way, understanding the needs of our business. You get information from our customers, experts and businesses. You set up workshops to set goals, model customer paths and come up with solutions. The role is new and a more detailed job description will be thought of together with you. Our way of doing design work is still looking its way and you can make a difference.

What do we expect from you?

  • You are pragmatic and the most rewarding thing for you is when you get the things you formulate public and get results to see.
  • You can export header-level ideas into validated product concepts.
  • You have in-depth experience in service design work and can lead challenging design projects.
  • You focus on customer paths across silos and hierarchies.
  • You know how to formulate things piece by piece, but also with a longer-term vision in mind.
  • You will be able to build an understanding of your customers ’needs and pain points and communicate them to others.
  • We consider it an advantage if you can concretize the needs of your customers and businesses into a prototype, if necessary.
  • We offer you an efficient and professional work community, a competitive salary and modern premises in Kamppi Granite House, as well as relevant flexible teleworking opportunities.
Full Time
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